Personal 7
Temporary Employment Services
More information

Personal 7 is a company that has been offering temporary employment services for 27 years. If you are looking for a job or if you are a company that needs to recruit new employees, Personal 7 can help you find what you are looking for.
We have our own recruitment team, specialised in the recruitment, evaluation, selection and hiring of qualified professionals for temporary employment, offering quality services to companies at a competitive price.
We focus especially on the hotel and catering industry, administrative activities, logistics and transport, and manufacturing industry.
About Personal 7
Years’ experience in the
temporary employment sector
No. of contracts
completed in 2021
No. of P7
millon euros
Iberian presence.
Balearic and Canary Islands included
Discover our interactive map!
Central Offices
Barcelona: Avinguda Diagonal, 523, Edificio Atalaya, Planta 21
Madrid: C/ Alfonso Gómez, 42C / C.P 28037
Lisboa: Rua Manuel de Jesus Coelho, nº4, 4º Andar, 1150-220
National Offices
Alicante / Barcelona / Córdoba / Ibiza / Las Palmas / Madrid
Málaga / Palma de Mallorca / Sevilla / Tarragona
Tenerife / Valencia / Zaragoza